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Abstract:Ethan Frome, the protagonist, has been dodging in his misery-ridden life. He lives in the farm called “starkfield”, and marries to a woman he doesn’t love at all. Life is lifeless till he falls in love with the cousin. Yet destiny doesn’t give him the chance of rebirth, even suicide fails him. Finally, he surrenders to his doom, choosing to be a walking death. In this thesis,


Ethan Forme’s destiny is decoded through the reader’s understanding and the analysis of the author’s writing skills.
Key word: desire miortune destiny surrender
Ethan Frome was written by Edith Wharton (1862-1937), the American writer, noted for her sharp depiction of New York society during the early twentieth century. There is also a movie based on the novel, which is highly recommended, and it is briefed as: “the forbidden triangle of passion and desire”. In short, it’s an endless tragedy in which a wretched man is inextricably embedded.
As a critic commented: “This brief but tragic novel casts a weirdly meeric spell” which traps Ethan, the protagonist. Similarly, in my opinion, it seems that Fortune is partial against Ethan Frome, so that she is always joking with him: giving him immense hope to excite him for a while, then, extinguishing it mercilessly, throwing him directly into hell. As in the book, not long after Ethan fancies becoming an engineer in the future, the death of his parents in succession forces him to abandon the dream; after marrying Zeena out of loneliness, he seeks for content in the new life, only to find that Zeena is a sickly woman who is suspicious and keeps complaining all the time, and the farm is unproductive; the arrival of Mattie, Zeena’s cousin, arouses Ethan’s enthusia for life and sparks his longing for true love, and seemingly he finds it, as the two fall for each other, but it is surreal, which only inflicts more sufferings on them, even, heartbreakingly, they rely on the last hope of dying together, whereas fate fails them: Ethan crippled; Mattie, paralyzed. Consequently, Ethan has no other choice but to earn a living tending a woman he hates and the other he would he a chance to live with happily. For me, the result is just unacceptable, as the sky topples all of a sudden. As Mrs. Hale says, “if she (Mattie)’d had died, Ethan might he lived, and the way they are now, I don’t see there is much difference between the Fromes up at the farm and the Fromes down in the greyard; except down there they are all quiet, and the woman he got to hold their tongues”. So that thereafter, Ethan lives like a living skeleton, trying every means to earn money, and bearing obediently the relentless complaints of the two women. As the narrator says, he already looks “as if he was dead and in hell”.


In addition, Edith fully demonstrated the elegance and amplitude of the English language by her manipulation of it. In the story, Edith resorted to various kinds of figures of speech, in which the striking contrast achieves the strongest effect. For example, most obviously, the happy days Ethan and Mattie spent together go directly against the miserable life after their unfortunate survival (their survival and their happiness, by themselves, are contradictory – what a bitter satire!); sickly, lifeless, grumbling Zeena runs counter to healthy, vibrant, cheerful Mattie; the gloomy, hopeless Starkfield disapproves and extinguishes all Ethan’s hope and enthusia for life, etc.. All those, in different respects, deepened the theme, more effectively reflecting Ethan’s misery and helplessness: at last he is completely isolated in his struggle. Cornered, he has to succumb to his destiny—earn money till his death.
The author’s display of language also lies in the vivid description of the environment surroundings, which seamlessly echoes with the protagonists’ inner activities. For example, when Ethan walks Mattie home from a ball at night, arm in arm, “they stood together in the gloom of the spruces, an empty world glimmering about wide and gray under the stars”. The world is “empity ” with only the two existing. Without words the two hearts he embraced, and their obscured affection for each other is “glimmering about wide and gray”, as then Ethan is hesitating about baring his heart to Mattie, who is also too shy to expose her for for him. Another example, when the pair sleds to their death, “all starkfield was at supper, and not a figure crossed the open space before the church. The sky, swollen with the clouds that announce a thaw, hung as low as before a summer storm…” The first sentence indicates that they ultimately free themselves from the outside world, heading for their longed-for happiness, but the terrifying sky forebodes the collapse of their anticipation. Totally speaking, the simply-plotted tragedy is vivified and the sad effect is dramatically enhanced due to Edith’s tragedy, to some extent, is the epitome of the life of many people from backward areas even in modern society, although the miortune may present itself in different forms. However, they’ve fallen into the same adversity: hopelessness in themselves and isolation from society. Wher


eas, unlike Ethan, who is abandoned by himself and ignored by society, the contemporary group is given special care by society, so their future can be bright. Then personally speaking, Ethan Frome enlightens me, changing my attitudes to life. With a lot of people loving me and many ones being loved by me, still, I am cring for more satiactions. Compared with Ethan, who almost has nothing but rarely complains, I feel ashamed of being overly greedy. He spends most of his life pursuing pure love, not regretting sacrificing his life for it, but I sometimes abuse others’ love for me! Thus treasuring all I he is the best lesson I learn from Ethan Frome.
Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome, London, England, Penguin Popular Classics, 1995.

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