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Ellen was a painter of birds and nature,_______,for some reason,had withdrawn from all human society.(2012浙江高考)
A. whichB. whoC. whereD. whom
Last Sunday a teenager was running the red light,he was knocked down by a car,he was lying on the ground and bleeding.
Last Sunday a teenager who was running the red light was knocked down by a car,lying on the ground and bleeding.



衔接(cohesion)的概念是Halliday & Hasan(1976)在Cohesion in English一书中提出的。衔接分为五种类型:照应(reference),替代(substitution),省略(ellipsis),连接(conjunction)和词汇连接(lexical cohesion)。其中,照应中的内照应(endophora)又可以分为前照应(anaphora)和后照应(cataphora)。
照应又叫指称,是指句子之间存在的某种对应关系。“照应指的是语篇中一个成分作为另一个成分的参照点”(胡壮麟,1989)。例如:Cats are very art. They are one of the artest animals.其中,they向前指代cats,即cats←they,这种衔接手段叫做前照应。再如:
This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain.其中,this指代后面的整句话,即this→I will telephone Anna and explain.这叫做后照应。
可以看出,通过代词they和this的前后照应,句子之间就形成一个纽带,衔接就更加紧密。因此,照应是一种句子衔接手段。连接表示句子之间某种逻辑关系,也是一种句子衔接手段。例如:He closed his eyes,but his mouth remained open.其中,but为连接词,表示前后两个分句之间对比和转折的关系,起到了衔接的作用。


在She is very lucky to he a boyfriend. The boyfriend brings her such beautiful flowers这两个句子中,the boyfriend是对a boyfriend的复现,属于词汇衔接手段。我们把后一个简单句当作定语从句来修饰名词boyfriend,即:She is very lucky to he a boyfriend who brings her such beautiful flowers.或者She is very lucky to he a boyfriend,who brings her such beautiful flowers.
同样,在As we all know,air pollution does great harmto our health这个句子中,关系代词as指称后面的事件,即as→air pollution does great harm to our health,具有后照应的作用;同时as又是连接词,表示对主句进行评价的逻辑关系。
根据Halliday & Hasan提出的五种衔接手段,定语的从句的关系词具有两种衔接功能:照应和连接。通过关系词的照应,主句和定语从句之间存在参照和对应关系;通过关系词的连接,定语从句表示对主句的信息补充和评价的逻辑关系。通过这两条衔接纽带,主从句就紧密地衔接在一起,成为一个连贯的整体。所以,定语从句的关系词并不是孤立地存在的,而是与主句存在照应和连接的关系,是一种非常有效的句子衔接手段。请看下面定语从句的衔接分析:
①Hondros lived in New York,where he was a senior photographer for Getty Images定语从句在英语写作中的衔接功能由提供海量免费论文范文的www.udooo.com,希望对您的论文写作有帮助..前照应:in New York←where;连接:关系副词where充当连接词。②There are many different ways in which people can volunteer.前照应:many different ways←which;连接:关系代词which充当连接词。
③I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street.前照应:the driver’s←whose;连接:关系代词whose充当连接词。
④He did not know the reason why he was so fascinated with this定语从句在英语写作中的衔接功能由优秀论文网站www.udooo.com提供,助您写好论文. girl.前照应:for the reason←why;连接:关系副词why充当连接词。
⑤As we all know,college life is full of varieties of activities.后照应:as→college life is full of varieties of activities;连接:关系代词as充当连接词。



由于缺乏衔接意识,简单句之间缺乏连接成分。例如:My father is an engineer,He works very hard. He graduated from Zhejiang University.
我们用定语从句把上面的句子衔接如下:My father,an engineer who works very hard,graduated from Zhejiang University.


学生按照中文意思堆积信息,忽略了衔接和句法。例如:I didn’t eat up all the food. It was ordered by my mother. It made her very angry.我们用定语从句把上面的句子衔接如下:I didn’t eat up all the food that was ordered by my mother,which made her very angry.


学生虽然有句子衔接意识,但对关系词的性质理解错误,造成用关系词的误用。例如:I come from Hangzhou,where is a beautiful city.
Where是关系副词,不能充当名词性的主语,此处应使用名词性的关系代词,所以应是:I come from Hangzhou,which is a beautiful city.


定语从句的关系词具有照应的功能,所以它所指称的对象不能缺失。例如:We should take some measures to punish who don’t obey the traffic rules.根据句意,punish的对象应是人,who应为定语从句的关系词,要照应前面指人的先行词,所以先行词不能缺失。上面的句子可修改为:We should take some measures to punish any person who doesn’t obey the traffic rules.或We should take some measures to punish whoever doesn’t obey the traffic rules.


有些连接词本身具有名词性,内含先行词和关系词,再加先行词就显得多余。例如:I am very moved after listening to the words what Li Hua said. what相当于一个先行词加上前照应关系词,即the words that...,不能再加先行词。这句话可修改为:I am very moved after listening to what Li Hua said.或I am very moved after listening to the words(that)Li Hua said.
再如:在As it is known to us all,China is not what it used to be这个句子中,关系代词as指称后面的整句话,且充当is know的主语,所以it是多余的。正确的句子是:As is known to us all,China is not what it used to be.






I am a student from a high school,I will graduate this summer.From the Internet,I he known there will be a summer camp will hold in Singapore. The news makes me very happy. I he been learning English for 9 years and he many English skills.∧Spoken English is that I am good at. Therefore,I he no difficulty communicating with foreigners.As we all know that,every country has its own culture. On the one hand,∧I joined in the camp is∧I just want to introduce Chinese culture to other countries. On the other hand,I can learn about foreign counties’culture as well. That is important is∧we can know each other better.
I will appreciate it if I can be accepted as a member of the summer camp.
题目要求“适当增加细节,以使行文连贯”,对文章的连贯性提出了要求。虽然这篇作文使用了therefore,on the one hand,on the other hand等词汇衔接方式,但句子内部和句子之间缺少恰当的衔接手段,存在简单句堆砌,信息杂乱堆积,关系词误用和先行词缺失等理由,文章整体上缺乏连贯性和紧凑性。
I am a student from a high school,who will graduate this summer. From the Internet,I he known there will be a summer camp which will be held in Singapore,which makes me very happy. I he been learning English for 9 years and he many English skills,of which spoken English is what I am good at. Therefore,I he no difficulty communicating with foreigners.
As we all know that,every country has its own culture. On the one hand,the reason why I joined in the camp is that I just want to introduce Chinese culture to other countries. On the other hand,I can learn about foreign counties’culture as well. What is important is that we can know each other better.
I will appreciate it if I can be accepted as a member of the summer camp.


1. Alexander,L.G. 1991. Longman English Grammar [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
2. Halliday,M.A.K. & Hasan,R .1976. Cohesion in English [M]. London: Longman.
3. Hewings,M. 2001. Advanced Grammar in Use [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
4. Sinclair,J. 1999. Collins Cobuild English Grammar [M].北京:商务印书馆.
5. Thomson,A. J. & Martinet A.V. 2009. A Practical English Grammar [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社.
6.教育部. 200


7.教育部考试中心.2012. 2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(文科·课程标准试验版)[Z].北京:高等教育出版社.
8.胡壮麟.1994 .语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.

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