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1. 积极创设问题情境,有效导入阅读教学

英语阅读教学中,作者需要阐述一个中心主题,而主题往往与学生现有的知识结构和认知水平存在一定的差距。因此,通过一定手段搭建阅读文本图式与学生已有知识图式衔接的桥梁,让学生做好心理预备,对顺利进行后续的阅读学习非常重要。教授Unit 1 Book 3 “Festivals Around the World”时,针对班级学生英语整体水平比较低的特点,我从刚过完的春节入手,创设问题情境:“Didyou get much lucky money in this Spring Festival?”话题很容易引起学生的兴趣,让他们有表达的。接着进一步问:“Did you spend a happy Spring Festival?”再深入以“Were you...”开头的问题,过渡到问题“Do you know any other festivals around the world?”

2. 巧妙选择问题角度,做好语法教学铺垫

如人教版高中英语必修三Unit 4的语法是主语从句,而本单元的话题是关于天文学的,因此在语法导入时,我设计了如下问题。
T: Boys and girls, since we he learned how life began on the earth, do you know when the universe began?(把问题写在黑板上)
Ss: Sorry, we don’t know.
T: To tell you the truth, me too. But we know how the universe began and how life developed on the earth after learning the passage, right?
Ss: Yes.
T: Then, do you know how long life will continue on the earth?(把问题写在黑板上)
S1: Sorry, I don’t know. Maybe millions of years.
S2: Maybe tens of thousands of years, because it will be too hot to live on.
T: That is to say, how long life will continue is uncertain, so it seems that we need to do more research to make sure, yes? (把句子写在黑板上)

3. 注重问题梯度,做好写作教学准备

教材每单元的写作教学内容,往往是设计在单元第二篇阅读教学后的,这就要求教师在教学时要有意识地根据该篇阅读内容,注重问题的设计,把握问题设计梯度,逐步导入写作教学内容。如高中英语必修一Unit 1,该单元写作教学前的短文是一封Xiao Dong写给Miss Wang的信。根据信的内容,老师应有梯度地设计如下问题。
Q1: Who is Xiao Dong?
Q2: Which school is Xiao Dong from?
Q3: What is his problem?
Q4: What has he done to solve the problem?
Q5: What is the result?
Q6: Why?
Q7: So how does he feel?
Q8: Does he know how to change this situation?
Q9: If not, whom has he turned to for help?
Q1: Which school are you from?
Q2: What is your problem?
Q3: What he you done to solve the problem?
Q4: What is the result?
Q5: Why?
Q6: So how do you feel?
Q7: Do you know how to change this situation?
Q8: If not, whom will you turn to for help?

4. 注意问题单元话题延续,有效进行单元过渡

例如,上完必修三Unit 1 “Festivals around the world”之后,准备教授Unit 2 “Healthy eating”时,老师可以这样设计问题来导入新的单元学习。
T: Good morning, boys and girls. Since we he learned Unit1, we all know that festivals are happy time to us, right?
Ss: Yes.
T: During the happy festivals, do you eat a lot of delicious foods and do you like them?
S1: Yes. I eat many tasty foods, like different fish, fried chicken and so on.
S2: I agree with you. In addition, some delicious snacks are also what I like most.
T: Good. But do you know some foods are good to our health


, but some don’t ? Or do you know which are healthy food and which are not?
Ss: Sorry.
T: It doesn’t matter. If we want to know that, we can go to the new unit: Healthy food. After that, you will find out the answer....
责任编辑 魏文琦

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