Abstract: In recent years, China's urbanization level and city construction scale of rapid development momentum, a lot of building new year, in order to meet the people's living environment and working environment of comfort requirements, are equipped with heating, ventilation or air conditioning facilities, large energy consumption, emissions of greenhouse gases and harmful gas A serious threat to the natural environment, is the important problem before human, an important way to solve this problem is the construction of energy-sing, the development of green buildings. This paper takes a exhibition center as an example, on the green building technology applications in HVAC design, in order to find a comfortable and healthy, sustainable development, technology application and promotion plan.
Keywords: exhibition center; multiple ventilation; soil heat pump; energy sing technology; green building
某展示中心(以下简称“展示中心”)总建筑面积为10 518 m2,其中地下层为4 178 m2,首层为4 322 m2,二层为2 018 m2,建筑实景如图1所示。展示中心以低碳为目标,按照绿色建筑三星级标准,打造绿色建筑典范。
空调冷热水系统均采用一次泵变流量系统,每台热泵机组搭配一台冷水泵、一台热水泵和一台冷却水泵,空调冷热水泵流量为132 m3/h,扬程为280 kPa,效率≥80%;地源侧循环水热水泵流量为100 m3/h,扬程为230 kPa,效率≥80%;冷却塔侧水泵流量为80 m3/h,扬程为250 kPa,效率≥80%。空调冷水系统的输送能效比为0.016 4,优于“标准”中对水泵输送能效的要求。
Abstract: In recent years, China's urbanization level and city construction scale of rapid development momentum, a lot of building new year, in order to meet the people's living environment and working environment of comfort requirements, are equipped with heating, ventilation or air conditioning facilities, large energy consumption, emissions of greenhouse gases and harmful gas A serious threat to the natural environment, is the important problem before human, an important way to solve this problem is the construction of energy-sing, the development of green buildings. This paper takes a exhibition center as an example, on the green building technology applications in HVAC design, in order to find a comfortable and healthy, sustainable development, technology application and promotion plan.
Keywords: exhibition center; multiple ventilation; soil heat pump; energy sing technology; green building
某展示中心(以下简称“展示中心”)总建筑面积为10 518 m2,其中地下层为4 178 m2,首层为4 322 m2,二层为2 018 m2,建筑实景如图1所示。展示中心以低碳为目标,按照绿色建筑三星级标准,打造绿色建筑典范。
展示中心空调冷热源系统原理如图2所示,空调计算冷负荷为1 356 kW,热负荷为1 085 kW。选用2台水冷螺杆式热泵机组,一机二用,夏摘自:硕士论文开题报告www.udooo.com
季供冷,冬季供热。供冷时,提供7/12℃冷水,单机容量为700 kW,耗电量125 kW,制冷能效比(COP)5.6,供热时,提供45/40℃热水,单机容量为770 kW,制热能效比(COP)4.8,能效等级达到国家一级。设置两台容量为90 m3/h闭式冷却塔,平衡放热和吸热季节波动,稳定地源侧土壤温度,避免土壤出现“热堆积”现象,实现空调冷热源系统高效和稳定运行。空调冷热水系统均采用一次泵变流量系统,每台热泵机组搭配一台冷水泵、一台热水泵和一台冷却水泵,空调冷热水泵流量为132 m3/h,扬程为280 kPa,效率≥80%;地源侧循环水热水泵流量为100 m3/h,扬程为230 kPa,效率≥80%;冷却塔侧水泵流量为80 m3/h,扬程为250 kPa,效率≥80%。空调冷水系统的输送能效比为0.016 4,优于“标准”中对水泵输送能效的要求。