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    Chapter 1 Introduction10-12

    1.1 Background and Purpose of the Study10-11

    1.2 Structure of the Paper11-12

    Chapter 2 Theoretical Background12-25

    2.1 Tourists’ Consumption behior12-13

    2.1.1 Definition of Tourists’ Consumption Behior12-13

    2.1.2 Model of Consumer Behior13

    2.2 Tourists’ Consumption Behior and Culture13-17

    2.2.1 Culture and Tourist Motivation13-14

    2.2.2 Culture and Tourist Information Search14-15

    2.2.3 Culture and Tourist Decision Making15-16

    2.2.4 Culture and Trel Conduct and Activities16-17

    2.3 Chinese and American Cultural Characteristics17-22

    2.3.1 Individuap vs. Collectivi18

    2.3.2 Uncertainty-oidance18-19

    2.3.3 Power Distance19-20

    2.3.4 Mascupnity vs. Femininity20-21

    2.3.5 Long-term Orientation vs. Short-term Orientation21-22

    2.4 Cultural Influence on Tourists’ Consumption Behior and Relevant Hypotheses Development22-25

    2.4.1 Tourist Motivation22-23

    2.4.2 Tourist Information Sources23

    2.4.3 Tourist Decision Time23-24

    2.4.4 Trel Activities24-25

    Chapter 3 Methods and Procedures25-26

    3.1Instruments, Variables and Scales25-26

    3.2 Sample26

    3.3 Analytical Method26

    Chapter 4 Results and Discussion26-35

    4.1 Results of the Survey26-33

    4.1.1 Demographic Profile of Respondents26-27

    4.1.2 Tourist Motivation27-29

    4.1.3 Information Sources29-30

    4.1.4 Decision Time30

    4.1.5 Trel Activities30-33

    4.2 Discussion of the Results33-35

    Chapter 5 Imppcations35-39

    5.1 Understanding and Respecting cross-cultural Tourists’ Consumption behior Differences35-36

    5.2 Developing Different Tourist Products for Tourists of Different Countries36

    5.3 Strengthening Marketing36-37

    5.4 Cultivating Touri Practitioners with Cross-cultural Perspectives37-39

    Chapter 6 Conclusions, Limitations and Future Research39-40


    Appendix 143-46

    Appendix 246-49

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