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摘要:Michael Lewis提出的词汇教学法在语言教学领域的地位和作用得到了学界的认可。他认为,词块是大量有着于语言中兼有词汇和句子特点的固定或半固定结构。经探讨发现,本族人的大脑记忆中的词汇不是以孤立的单词形式存储的,而正是以这些词块形式存储的。本探讨是以词汇教学法为论述基础,将其运用到大学综合英语课程,探讨时长为十六周,以期提升学生的书面表达能力,同时培养学生的自主学习能力。基于上面陈述的探讨目的,本论文提出以下探讨不足:(1)词块教学法能否提升大学非英语专业学生的英语写作能力。(2)实施词块教学法的前后两个实验阶段中,实验班和对照班的变化是否有着差别。(3)实验班中,高低分学习者写作水平变化是否有着差别。针对以上不足,本探讨是以南昌大学的两个非英语专业(A班)英语班级共141名为探讨对象,分为实验班和对照班。实验班采取词汇教学法,具体说来,首先是让学生注意词块,然后模仿、套用,具备语法能力后,就进入词块的灵活运用阶段。对照班是传统常规英语,即讲解课文和重点词汇和语法,无任何强化训练。作者对十六周的课程内三次课堂作文测试和学期前后的期末测试进行独立样本T检验,两个独立样本非参数检验和协方差浅析。实验结果表明:(1)词块教学法能有效提升非英语专业大学生的书面表达能力。实验班学生的写作成绩显著高于对照班的学生。(2)在实施词块教学法于大学英语课堂的实验中,前八周时间为第一阶段,后八周为第二阶段。实验班和对照班的写作成绩总体变化都呈现增加走势,但实验班的增加速度显著快于制约班级同学们的成绩。比较两阶段成绩变化情况,不论实验班还是制约班,第二阶段的增加都要快于第一阶段,但是制约班的变化甚微。(3)实验班的教学采取的是词块教学法,以前后两阶段的分数比较来看,高分学习者更能较快适应这种教学策略,低分学习者需要更长的时间适应此策略。实验结果表明,词块教学法对高低分学习者的写作水平均有可观的推动作用。关键词:词块论文词块教学法论文书面表达能力论文写作论文




    List of Tables8-9

    List of Charts9-10


    Chapter One Introduction12-16

    1.1 Background12-14

    1.2 Significance and Purpose of the study14-15

    1.3 Outpne of the Thesis15-16

    Chapter Two Literature Review16-35

    2.1 Lexical Chunks16-21

    2.1.1 Definition of lexical chunks16-18

    2.1.2 Categories and Characteristics of Lexical Chunks18-21

    2.2 The theoretical basis of Lexical Chunk Theory21-25

    2.2.1 Psychopnguistic Basis21-22

    2.2.2 The Basis of the Corpus Linguistics22-23

    2.2.3 The Basis of Language Acquisition Research23-25

    2.3 The Previous Studies on Lexical Chunks25-27

    2.4 Lexical Approach and Language Teaching27-30

    2.4.1 Lewis's Lexical Approach and Language Teaching27-29

    2.4.2 Nattinger & DeCarrie's Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching29-30

    2.5 The Significance of Lexical Chunks in Engpsh Writing30-35

    2.5.1 Requirements and Practice of College Engpsh Writing30-31

    2.5.2 The Typical Problems of the College Students' Engpsh Writing31-33

    2.5.3 The Advantages of Applying Lexical Approach to Engpsh Writing Class33-35

    Chapter Three Research Methodology35-46

    3.1 Research Questions35-36

    3.2 Subjects36-37

    3.2.1 Experimental Subjects36-37

    3.2.2 Interview Subjects37

    3.3 Instruments37-38

    3.3.1 Pre-test and Post-test37-38

    3.3.2 Interview38

    3.4 Procedure38-39

    3.5 Teaching Imppcation in the EC39-45

    3.5.1 Preparation39-40

    3.5.2 Teaching Material40

    3.5.3 Teaching Activities in the Experimental Class40-43

    3.5.4 Lexical approach to Engpsh Writing Teaching Strategies in the E3-45

    3.6 Data Collection45-46

    Chapter Four Results and Discussion46-62

    4.1 Result Analysis46-62

    4.1.1 Comparison of Final Exam Score and Writing Score between CC and E6-49

    4.1.2 Comparison of Scores of Three Writing Tests between CC and E9-52

    4.1.3 Comparison of Scores of Three Writing Tests With-in CC and EC52-55

    4.1.4 Statistic Result Comparison of First Phase and Second Phase of CC and EC55-58

    4.1.5 Statistic Result of Distribution of Scores in CC and EC58-59

    4.1.6 Results and Analysis of the Interview59-62

    Chapter Five Conclusion62-70

    5.1 Major Findings62

    5.2 Experiment Enpghtenment and Teaching Suggestions62-68

    5.2.1 Lexical Chunks Approach:The Modification of the Traditional Vocabulary Teaching and Learning63-66

    5.2.2 The Syllabus Design for Different Proficiency Learners and the Selection of the Course Books66-67

    5.2.3 Promoting Forming Independent Learning Habit67-68

    5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research68-70



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